Healthy Living

Healthy vs unhealthy plant-based diet

Remember when family members insisted you eat your veggies? Turns out, they were onto something. Plant-based diets have gained traction for their health and environmental benefits. A survey revealed a growing trend in meat reduction, especially among Gen Z. While plant-based eating emphasizes whole grains, fruits, veggies, and legumes, it’s crucial to navigate it wisely to avoid nutrient deficiencies. Variety is key, as is possibly supplementing, but you should always consult a health professional to tailor a plan that’s right for you. Curious about ensuring you're getting enough protein or how to add more plants to your diet? Explore our related guides for a deeper dive.

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Healthy vs unhealthy plant-based diet

Soy foods: Good or bad for you?

Soybeans are a hot topic in nutrition circles, stirring debate over their health impacts. This article sheds light on soy’s nutritional value, offering high-quality protein, vitamins, and minerals. While all soy foods aren't created equal, less processed forms like tofu and edamame are typically healthier. Soy's benefits include reducing the risk of heart disease and certain cancers, supporting bone health, and alleviating menopausal hot flashes, thanks to its isoflavones. However, if you experience digestive issues or have soy allergies, proceed with caution. Ready to amp up your diet with soy? Incorporate a range of soy foods and consider serving them up in everything from side dishes to smoothies for a tasty, nutritious boost. Enjoy exploring the soy possibilities!

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Soy foods: Good or bad for you?

How to eat more vegetables (even if you're not a veggie person)

Striving for a healthier lifestyle but find it hard to embrace veggies or cut down on meat? Fear not! Veggies are nutrient-dense powerhouses, essential for lowering blood pressure, preventing heart disease, aiding weight loss, and improving digestion. To increase your veggie intake, try meal planning and incorporate vegetables into your favorite dishes for an easy nutrition boost. Opt for less meat and more plant-based alternatives like Brother Sprout's textured soy proteins. From meatless pastas to rainbow smoothies, there are countless ways to make veggies a tasty part of your diet. Remember, moderation is key, and variety ensures a balance of nutrients – so go ahead and experiment with veggies in your meals!

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How to eat more vegetables (even if you're not a veggie person)

What is plant-based meat?

Plant-based meat is a revolutionary product designed to mimic real meat in taste, texture, and nutrients, often made from soy, tofu, tempeh, pea proteins, and mushrooms. It's an excellent choice for those wanting to increase their vegetable intake without sacrificing the flavors they love. These meat alternatives are not just for vegans or vegetarians; they're gaining popularity among various dietary preferences for their health benefits. Plant-based meats can be healthier, especially when paired with whole foods, and they're beneficial for the environment. Despite myths, they can replace meat, offer affordable options, and don't have to be reserved solely for plant-based diets. Integrating them into your meals can be simple, starting with familiar recipes and gradually exploring new ones.

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Grilled plant-based meat served with cheese and onion slices